Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Modeling on a stand

Modeling on a stand

Here is a demontration how to create a basic bodice on a stand. We can use style lines to desing a garment and create anything from that.

After finish the design, pin the panels together  with the seam  alowence inside and put on a stand again to check if the lines mach.

Ready to make the paper pattern.

My sketchbook page.

Monday, 19 November 2012

Viktor & Rolf

Viktor & Rolf

Andre Lima

Andre Lima

Richard Sweeney

Richard Sweeney

Mauricio Velasquez Posada

Mauricio Velasquez Posada

Jum Nakao

Jum Nakao
Sao Paulo Fashion Week 2004 - Brazil

On June 17th 2004 at SP Fashion Week, the designer Jum Nakao performed a great catwalk show which at the end, the models ripped off very elaborated clothes made of paper.
The colection was made in more then 700 hours of work, envolving around 150 professionals.
The catwalk show was just amazing!

Saturday, 17 November 2012


After a great day with Terry Weinart, it's time to try my own pleating samples and see how it goes...

This is how your pattern starts

How to start the folding. 

How it looks like when it's finished.
You always need to make 2 patterns to put them together with the fabric  in between. 

After put the fabric in between the two paper patterns, they need to be tied together and then steam with the iron or a hot presser.   

Starting some ideas, design development.

 My sketchbook...